Wednesday, July 01, 2009

A blog entry about pubes, but this'll totally blow your mind, Western beauty standards

So I'm watching the local Korean TV affiliate I get on cable only to see an ad that puzzles me. I'd watched enough Korean cable that this company was familiar to me as makers of this thing you put on your eyelashes to make it grow thicker longer, but...the ad was different.

They showed some generic Venus statue replica, as a voiceover intones, "Want a confident Y-line?"

And I'm all "Y-line?"

You gotta understand, in Korean parlance, a shapely body's referred to having an S-line. Or if you're joking around with a beer-bellied friend you might refer to their "O-line." But this Y-line shit was new to me.

As I was mulling this over in the split-second it registerd in my brain, I saw several triangular bushes, and my eyes widened as I realized what this "Y-line" was. Now the triangular bushes isn't all that original in the whole pube grooming ad department. So my first thought was, "Huh...I guess it's a depilatory cream for the bikini line. Though that sounds like a pretty bad idea."

But THEN the ad goes, "for a more lush and..."

"LUSH??" I almost lost it because I realized this cream was for encouraging lady bush growth. Seriously, how unexpected is that? When everyone's busy advertising ways to mow down and salt the earth here's a cream for making the carpet nice and fluffy?


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