Thursday, June 26, 2008

Not so glad to be moving

Oh my God I suck at packing. I seriously really cannot deal with this at all. I'm still packing for a move that is happening on Friday. I think I got...a small amount of it done tonight, but I think there's a chance I will have to pull an all-nighter tomorrow night to be ready for the movers. I just patched my doorframe that the super took a damn chunk out of and I need to spackle a tile back on in the bathroom (nope, not my fault, fell off on its own. I suspect it was a shoddy grout job and on top of that it was a tile placed directly over a pipe so there was probably some expanding/contracting that loosened it). I want as much of that deposit back as possible.

But Astoria here I come. Another neighborhood for me to conquer.


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