Tuesday, January 31, 2006

It has been decided

I will buy a Mobiblu.

Monday, January 30, 2006

Mach GO GO GO!!!!

More artist jam. Theme: Trixie. I made two versions.

Sunday, January 29, 2006

Happy New Year!

I'm too old to be going around getting my New Year's money, besides, I'm not near any family. I also didn't get to make any rice cake soup...so I effectively did not age a year so yay me.

Keeping busy

Well I was thinking of doing a series of illustrations based on Korean things. I couldn't think of compelling drawing to do, but I wanted to see how this one particular person would look so scratched out two drawings of Uh, Woo-dong. Basically she was like some Korean Casanova and caused a few sex scandals if I remember correctly.

But doing the standing pose I liked it, so I tried doing another quick drawing with the full pose.

Saturday, January 28, 2006

The week's bookends

(personally liked hearing "Life on Mars" more than anything else)

(went alone, needed a laugh)

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Bang, bang

Saturday, January 21, 2006

This isn't so bad....

Well, "Black Sesame" pizza from Pizza Hut doesn't sound bad at all...the sesame crust sounds pretty tasty actually. Of course this is from their potato pizza line. Not that I find potato wedges on pizza to be gross or really weird, but it seems like a waste of a tasty crust idea.

But one hitch...see the peanuts in the background (well, just kind of)? That's not some for show cute kitchen background photography setting...yes...the dough does contain peanuts apparently. Why couldn't they just let it be? They should just stop themselves one step before wrapping up a new idea.

I also don't know what to think about the Balsamic Avacado pizza...the ingredients in and of themselves
(avocado, balsamic sauce, green vitamin, red paprika, caramelized onions) sound good...but together on a pizza?...

Saturday, January 14, 2006

Shelley Winters

US actress Shelley Winters dies at 85

Her Charlotte Haze in Kubrick's "Lolita" was closer to the impression I got from Humbert Humbert's mix of pity and disgust than anything Melanie Griffith could even begin to embody.

I also remember when I first watched "The Night of the Hunter" when I was first 12. It didn't scare, but unsettled me. Especially because I was watching it around 2 or 3 in the morning when everyone else was asleep. It's still one of my favorite movies because it stayed with me in the back of my head until this day.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Finally a drawing

A drawing of Cammy from Street Fighter for another at jam theme. I know know...where's the original stuff, but these jams are really good for practice. I like how having a theme makes me draw, and when a theme's already set I usually can have fun with concentrating more on the pose and whatnot.

Anyhow, there are some original scribbles I did, and once I get my act together I'll put those up too. Got a busy work day so just trying to get through this week.

Edit: Forgot to include some info. Well the reason Cammy's in an SAS sweater-looking leotard is because her Alpha costume always reminded me of such. No scar or leg camo make up because I usually put stuff like that in PS. And this pose was inspired by the Schiele sketch I mentioned in the previous post.

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Sunday, January 08, 2006

The man sure liked to draw himself naked

The Schiele exhibit was great.

The amount of admiration I have for his coloring and drawing technique is bordering on intense jealousy. Even what looks like charcoal and pencil croquis work are light years away in the apperance of being finished than anything I could ever "complete."

The thing I like most about seeing works in person though is definitely looking at the detail and texture of it. This is the first time I've seen Schiele's work in person. What I thought I had appreciated in his work as far as color and line work went totally flew out the window. Actually seeing charcoal/pencil/crayon drawings and the pencil/charcoal/crayon+goauche+watercolor works not only made me realize I was totally wrong about what I thought I had been looking at all this time, but now it confounds me more because I just can't see how he did it. The media blends together seamlessly.

Interesting was seeing looking for influences of Klimt. Of course it was speculation on my part, but one portrait of his sister utilized bronze and gold paint as well as Klimt-like patterns that gave it that flat look. Another sketch of a woman's head tilted back reminded me a little of Judith #1, but at a more extreme angle. There was one particular drawing of a female sitting that had an incredible pose, but it was one of many "female sitting" drawings so I don't know if I can find a print of it anywhere.

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Something to do!

Egon Schiele exhibit at the Neue Galerie.