Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Help please

I'm going to Colorado. To a ski resort. I've never skiied or been to a ski resort. I don't know if I'll do much skiing, quite frankly, but part of me thinks, "What if?". But I don't know what I have to pack. I have no idea at all. Should I buy cheap ski/snow pants? They might have rental, but I doubt the pants parts are rentable. Should I just buy when I get there? I have no idea what I'm doing and I'm leaving in like three days. Please help if you have some sort of expertise in this situation.

I'll take one, please

To go, thank you very much.

Eeeee, seriously, Snake Eyes was the first "crush" I ever had. I was a mere tyke, but I wanted to marry Snake Eyes. This costume looks good. I haven't really been looking forward to the GI Joe movie like Iron Man. But I'll just say they better not have Snake Eyes talk. That'll ruin everything. =(

Friday, March 21, 2008

I must be getting old

All I did was relax with some delicious penne alla vodka I made from scratch, and had a "dessert" of Fage yogurt with honey and a banana. I'm even about to go to bed in the next hour or so and I am perfectly OK with this. Thank goodness I do shit on the weekdays. That's right, weekends are for relaxing. That's what I should keep in mind.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Tuesday night

Tired, and frustrated and annoyed about things not going well, so dinner=banana split and dessert=beer.

One of the good things about living alone is you can spend an evening in drinking and singing along to Lenny Williams (sssh, I don't want to hear it. This song is sublime) and there's no one around to tell you how weird and sad that is.

Sunday, March 02, 2008

Continued comic book geekery

For anybody keeping track of the new trailers coming out for Iron Man, how can you not be fucking EXCITED? I don't know if I was ever an Iron Man fan. I do know I was a Tony Stark fan, but even as someone who hasn't been great at keeping up with how comics went, as someone whose understanding of the American comic universe is very dated and fragmented, this shit is fucking exciting to me. It's not just a comic book movie that looks decent, it fucking looks GOOD. I feel like I told this story here before, how when I first heard that they were making an Iron Man movie my reaction was basically "Oh, how are they gonna cock up this one?" but then someone said "Robert Downey Jr. is playing Tony Stark." My initial reaction was, "Wha-??" Not that I don't think Robert Downey Jr. is a talented actor, but it just didn't compute in my head in the first second I was reacting, but then even before my brain could finish saying what it backpedaled, switched gears and a lightbulb went off as it went, "'S GENIUS!"

The more I keep up with this the more I'm excited. Avengers possibility? Cameos? Jesus. This is how comic book movies should've been treated.

Saturday, March 01, 2008

WOOOOO!!! Comic books!!!!!

I started reading some comics I had bought in Korea that my mom still had with her (I hauled them here in my suitcase). I didn't buy a whole lot of comics while I was in Korea thanks to comic book libraries where you could borrow them for a fee, and I wish I'd invested a bit more in them. I only have the entire series of "Psychometre Eiji" and "Island." I don't have more because this was pretty close to before I was leaving the country and I had intention to buy more after these two, but got caught up in a bunch of other things that kept me from pursuing further purchases. Also I was more interested in buying things that were a complete series. So the combination made for my comic book purchase shortcomings. I love digging into Psychometre Eiji though, because it's totally taking me back to lazy weekends/holidays when I'd borrow a stack of 6-8 comics and just lay on my stomach on the floor and read them all day with some snacks within reach. I remember making the excuse of borrowing all the scary comics during the summer and how Ito Junji terrorized me for one summer break and I could barely bring myself to take a shower for fear someone was in our shower system crawling around in the pipes with their horrible collapsed skeletal structure. I'm sort of planning for how when I visit Korea in the near future I'm going to pack lightly in a suitcase and carry with me a second suitcase dedicated just for comic books.

Also, Marc let me root through his intense stash of comic books today and I brought back a huge haul of American comics. I'm going to be reading comics for weeks!!!!! (Well, more like I'll go through them all in 2 weeks)

Speaking of comics, I finally got around to reading Kang Do-Ha's (mentioned previously here and here "Kubrick" today, and man is it intense. Daum was giving me some trouble so I had to stop reading with 6 episodes remaining in the series, but really, the man is good at what he does. I'm going to back and read "Romance Killer" and see if I can create some kind of impressions/opinions type of thing in his whole "Youth Romance Trilogy."