Sunday, August 30, 2009

The weather is finally I just sat home and watched TV

So it's finally fall and feel like I'm actually thinking clearly again. I feel like there are still a lot of things up in the air, but I've sort trying to remove myself from the weird malaise I've fallen into. Not to get all emo of course, but I'd been caught up in a lot of bullshit.

Anyhow, I was watching some reruns of "Being Human" this weekend, and I have to say, each time I watch episode three of season one, my crush on "died in 1985" Gilbert the 80s ghost grows in leaps and bounds. The weird thing is when they first started showing Being Human on BBC-A it didn't catch my fancy too much, mainly because "Primeval" was total suck to me and it also looked like it could go the direction of "Hex" (Christ) and I'd sort of resigned to expecting fantastical/Sci Fi shows on BBC-A that weren't like "Dr. Who" or "Life on Mars" to be full-on suck. However, one weekend I watched an episode and it just sucked me right into the next rerun and I couldn't leave my seat and had to watch the new episode that followed right after that.

Thankfully, the internet seems to agree with me that Gilbert is pretty awesome, so for once I don't feel so weird about a certain character I like and the rare times it does happen it's quite a relief. Oh, dear, don't get me started on Alexander Skarsgard in "True Blood." My friend and I turn into 13 year old girls as we scour Oh No They Didn't each time they have Askars gif party. Even funnier is they could start up a separate group for us entitled "Alexander Skarsgard really isn't the type of guy I usually like, but DA-YUM," because almost every other person seems to say that.

Speaking of type, I was talking to my friend Dave about Gilbert, and since he doesn't watch "Being Human," I had to link him to a clip from the show below and his reaction was, "That boy is nearly anorexic." That cracked me up mainly because it made me flashback to one time I was pointing out someone in the crowd to my friend Kelly and all she could say is, "You certainly have a type," and I really can't deny that statement. I guess I'm a creature of habit.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Another day in Chicago

I was supposed to head back to New York today, but I've been informed of my flight being cancelled so I won't be heading out until tomorrow. (I could've left today on a noon flight, but I didn't find out about the cancellation until 10, and couldn't get through with the rebooking until 10:30, so it would've been cutting it a bit too close. I guess I could've just hightailed it over to the airport and tried to get rebooked there, but oh, well.

Anyhow, I'm glad I decided to extend my vacation into Monday at the last minute. The logic was I still wanted a "weekend" after I got back, but this works too.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Chicago coming up

Got my plane ticket and crashing on my brother's couch next week. He just had a bunch of house guests because out of town friends were visiting Lolla...oh, and another out of town friend couldn't make it and gave my brother his three-day pass. FOR FREE. So lucky =(...He enjoyed himself quite a bit, but I'm hoping my visit won't be too taxing following up an event like that.

Hammering out some restaurants I'm going to drag him too. He sounds annoyed about having to go to restaurants, and I'm not going to show him which ones because I know he'll look up the menus and complain about how expensive it is. I'd much rather just, I don't know, spring the restaurant on him so he can't protest too much if we're already sitting and looking at a menu. I know he let me take him to Blackbird last time just to humor me, but he liked it. He can't deny it.

My mom said I should make him a bunch of "banchan" before I go, but I don't know how that'll work out unless I deliberately visited a Korean store with him. I did that the last time, relying on a friend's car. Brought in a huge haul of instant curry, microwave rice, dwaenjang jjigae in a sack, etc. etc.

"Just stir-fry him some dried anchovies, that's all," my mom said. Again, not as easy as it sounds unless I visit a Korean store to buy the dried anchovies to begin with. I'll have to see if I can work that in.

Friday, August 07, 2009

Heard something that was kind of sad

On my way home a couple of days ago, I was walking down the steps of the subway station when I overheard a lady behind me say on her phone, "...well you know, my ex-husband is real excited. He can't wait until his daughter is born next month. He's really looking forward to it..."

Aw, I thought. That's nice. She said it real matter-of-factly. Like I could imagine they were the type of exes who managed to remain friends because I don't know, maybe it was an ill-advised marriage at a young age, or they both realized they were just better as friends than husband and wife? Who knows...

"...Yea everything I wanted he went and found it with someone else."

Womp-wooooomp. It was a total downer. She said it in the same matter-of-fact tone that made it even sadder for some reason than if she'd sounded bitter or angry or something. Like it sounded so, "What can you do, life sucks like that," because of the distinct lack of emotion. Man, that's what I get for eavesdropping on people.

This seems kind of appropriate in light of that. Yea, you know it. It's Classic Hits on Youtube Friday. Actually, listening to this is what reminded me of that total womp-womp moment. Moving on the Lenny Williams after this:

Aw, hell. well since I have your attention, might as well put this out there too. Man, I love this song. Sometimes...sometimes I come home to unwind, and I'll turn this on and just lip sync to it, it's just so awesome. Though it's mildly ill-advised to listen to this on your own. Especially if alcohol is involved. One time, back when I loved all on my own, after cracking open a beer I danced around on my own to this. All emoting and shit as I lip synced to it too. And another time after a glass or two of wine, I picked up my roommate's cat and my own private slowdance time. Yea...

The Supremes next!